Systemic Discrimination

What Makes Systemic Discrimination ‘Systemic?’ Exposing the Amplifiers of Inequity (Under Review)

The Econometrics of Systemic Discrimination (Work in Progress)

Educational Inequality

The Self-Reinforcing Effects of Temporary Interventions: Systems Thinking to Reduce Systemic Disadvantage (R&R)

A Theoretical Analysis of Behavioral Infractions and School Disciplinary Policy (Work in Progress)

The State of Black Male Literacy Research (Published)

Criminal Dynamics

A Dynamical Systems Analysis of Criminal Behavior (R&R)

Modeling the Underlying Dynamics of the Spread of Crime (Published)

Modeling the Underlying Dynamics of the Spread of Crime: Agent-Based Models (Published)

Racial Wealth Inequality and Reparations

Economic Impact of Racial Inequality and Reparations (Work in Progress)

Reinforcement Processes and Reparations: A Quantum Leap in Equity? (Work in Progress)